a917: Performance Indicators (成績指標)
Tags : 800 math 900 implementation 900 strings APCS DP Divide & Conquer [x : y] for迴圈 greedy累加 while迴圈 奇偶性 巢狀迴圈 數學 計算 費氏數列 除法
Accepted rate : 15人/19人 ( 79% ) [非即時]

最近更新 : 2023-01-13 16:26


In an exam, the one who gets the lowest score among all the passing students is the luckiest. On the contrary, the one who gets the highest score among all the failing students is the unluckiest. These two kinds of scores can be regarded as achievement indicators.

Please design a program to read the scores of the whole class (the number of people is not fixed), please sort all the scores, and find out the highest score for failing and the lowest score for passing.

When the lowest passing score cannot be found, it means that this is an unfortunate class for this exam. At this time, please print out "worst case"; otherwise, when the highest failing score cannot be found, please print out "best case".

(Note: Assume a passing score of 60).



當找不到最低及格分數,表示對於本次考試而言,這是一個不幸之班級,此時請你印出「worst case」;反之,當找不到最高不及格分數時,請你印出「best case」。

( 註:假設及格分數為 60 )。


Enter the number of students in the first line, and the score of each student in the second line (between 0 and 100), with a blank space between the scores.
The number of students in each test is an integer from 1 to 20.

第一行輸入學生人數,第二行為各學生分數(0~100 間),分數與分數之間以一個空白間格。
每一筆測資的學生人數為 1~20 的整數。


Three rows are output for each measurement.

The first line prints all grades from small to large, with a blank space between two numbers, and no blank after the last number;
The second line prints the highest failing score, if all pass, print "best case" in this line;
The third line prints the minimum passing score, if all fail, print "worst case" on this line.


第二行印出最高不及格分數,如果全數及格時,於此行印出 「best case」 ;
第三行印出最低及格分數,如果全數不及格時,於此行印出 「worst case」


Sample Input #1
0 11 22 33 55 66 77 99 88 44
Sample Output #1
0 11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88 99
Sample Input #2
Sample Output #2
worst case
Sample Input #3
73 65
Sample Output #3
65 73
best case
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Hint :

The first sample output description that the maximum failing score is 55 and the minimum passing score is 66.

The second sample output description: Since no minimum passing score can be found, the third line must print "worst case".

The third example output description: Since the highest failing score cannot be found, the second line must print "best case".

第一筆範例輸出說明:不及格分數最高為 55,及格分數最低為 66。

第二筆範例輸出說明:由於找不到最低及格分數,因此第三行須印出「worst case」。

第三筆範例輸出說明:由於找不到最高不及格分數,因此第二行須印出「best case」。

800 math 900 implementation 900 strings APCS DP Divide & Conquer [x : y] for迴圈 greedy累加 while迴圈 奇偶性 巢狀迴圈 數學 計算 費氏數列 除法
APCS University Programming Prerequisite Test (2016/03/05) (APCS大學程式設計先修檢測(2016/03/05)) [管理者:
cwng@g.puich... (吳振華NG CHAN WA)

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